
Beta-sitosterol is a type of phytosterol, or plant compound, that is chemically similar to cholesterol. You can find beta-sitosterol in nature in foods such soybeans and wheat germ, as well as in corn oil. While beta-sitosterol is also used to increase prostate health, it may also help reduce cholesterol.
Most manufacturers produce this supplement in pill form, with a suggested serving size of one 300 mg capsule taken 30 minutes before each meal.
Use beta-sitosterol to limit the amount of cholesterol naturally produced by your liver. This type of treatment is indicated for patients with a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol. Beta-sitosterol works with liver enzymes to inhibit excess cholesterol production.
Eat a diet low in saturated fats and high in monounsaturated fats when taking a beta-sitosterol supplement to see an increase in HDL cholesterol while you lower your LDL and overall cholesterol levels.